All is quiet at the moment. No visits to the orthodontist as I have been away when he is in Prague. The 'naughty' bracket that fell off is secure still. Not had any problems. I'm fact I am annoyed, in my opinion, for the brace to be doing any good it should be hurting most of the time. At the moment, the most I can hope for is the occasional tooth ache as it is getting dislodged again.
I suppose that I should be thankful, I have seen many horror stories where people have not been able to eat and are in constant pain and I am plodding along nicely. I haven't been updating the blog as much as there has been nothing to report.
I can comfortably negotiate my way through a burger and ice cream lolly, and there has been no foods I have tackled that have got the better of me. Occasionally have have issues with things getting stuck, but a tooth pick soon sees to that. Even the yellowing and staining is under control, with the assistance of stay white mouth wash and sensodine whitening toothpaste.
All in all, it is steady and pretty mundane progress!